Take the Long View

Question: How can we best support our fathers? 

The Card: Three of Wands, Minor Arcana 

Rulerships: Leo. Season: Summer. Element: Fire. Colours: Red, Orange. Direction: South. 

The Deck: The Rider-Waite Coleman-Smith, first published in 1910.

Three of Wands advises finding balance between risk and stillness and to patiently and steadily invest in your dreams

Lunar Position: I cast the reading during the Waning Crescent, in Aries, with white sage and compassion. May it harm none.


In the Three of Wands, we see a figure looking out to sea from a high vantage point. The person watches trade ships they have sent out to seek fortune, fame, goods, information and communication. We can see three ships in the sea. Some ships are going, some are coming. The water is calm and made golden by the fiery golden-and-orange sunset. Or is it sunrise? The person wears homespun clothes of good quality. On their head is a simple ornament, not quite a crown. Three tall wands stand securely around the person. Arm outstretched, they hold one wand as they watch the purple mountains on the distant horizon. The key colours in the card are gold, red-orange and green. There is healthy vegetation on the hill.

Three of Wands advises finding balance between risk and stillness and to patiently and steadily invest in your dreams


I smiled when this card appeared in our reading about supporting our fathers. Three of Wands is about looking ahead and investing in your dreams while appreciating the present moment, which sounds a lot like advice my dad gives me all the time. 

We help make our fathers feel secure by looking ahead, taking the long view. By working to make our dreams a reality, we support our dads too. Our fathers are happy when we pursue our dreams from a grounded and supported place. The card advises finding a balance between risk and stillness. Patiently and steadily invest in your dreams. 

Three of Wands is in the suit of Fire, and fire energy can bring us the power to manifest our desires. There are passion projects on those sailing ships! The dreams they carry will expand your horizon and creative powers. 

Being fiery can also cause burnout. Having patience in yourself and your progress is advised here. A slow burn, as opposed to a bonfire! The person in this card is steady, meditative, grounded and hopeful. Keeping efforts steady, more like the turtle than the rabbit, is advised. 

Three of Wands tells us our fathers want us to live our dreams and take strong actions towards success, with planning and sound investment. This is not a card about gambling; it’s about a slower kind of earning, with a much-greater payoff. 

We can also support our dads by placing their lives and well-being into our long-term plans and goals. Listen to your dad’s long-term goals and help them realize these goals, if at all possible. Be creative about how you can support one another. 

Fire warms the heart. Invest in your relationship with your dad and be patient with one another! 

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