Name : Pelly Vincent-Braun

Skills Yukon Affiliation: Skills Yukon Competition, alumni and volunteer

Age: 24

Trade & Certifications: Welding Journeyman

Current workplace: HVACTech Systems 

Can you tell us about your experience in the trade/technology sector so far? 

My experience has been really good! I have had opportunities to work with some very talented trades people

How did you start exploring the trades and/or technology career? 

Funny enough, I found interest in welding at a Try the Trades summer camp.

How has your trade and/or technology career made your life better?

I really enjoy being able to build things the way I want them to look and function. 

What is the most interesting thing/project you have worked on?

I definitely enjoy working on boats. Whether it is repairs to the hull, adding some sweet accessory or even building them. I built one for myself and love getting out on the water in it.

What does a regular day on the job look like?

First you get a project, then you have to come up with a plan on how best to build it. After that you get into lots of cutting, drilling and grinding, until you get to the best part—welding!

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